Press and Publications, summer 2020
Post Digital Clouds, The Melopedia, 2019
ArtPremium, winter edition 2018, print
Art from the other side, Barri Davis, Jerusalem Post (english), 2017
Plundered insights, Shaul Setter, Gallery, Haaretz (hebrew), 2017
City Mouse interview, Minha Nofa (hebrew), 2017
Yom Kippur War booty makes artist yearn for links, Jessica Steinberg Times of Israel (english), 2017
Art Daily, new exhibitions, The Sweet Water Canal Exhibition (english), 2017
Slovenian national tv on The Moly Matrimony Exhibition, 2016
New exhibitions, The Persian Princess, Eitan Buganim, Haaretz Gallery (hebrew), 2016
New exhibitions, Anagoge, Eitan Buganim ,Haaretz Gallery (hebrew), 2015
Mary taking Over, Harama magazine Surveillance edition, 2015
It is safer to look behind, NRG culture, 2015
Harama magazine Disgraphy edition, digital collages, Things that are gone, 2014
Lablama Body Project, Exhibition catalogue, pages 56-59, NY, 2009
Interview, Abstract Now, Kayma Gallery, Jaffa 2009
The limits of movement of art, Smadar Shefi, Haaretz Gallery, (hebrew), 2007
One saint, Yuval Ninio, Israel Today, Culture, page 16, print, 2007
For the house, Niv Chaclili, Maariv, Culture, (hebrew)
Bezalel Graduate Exhibition, Yonatan Hirschfeld, The new gallery, artend 31.7.2007